What I Hope The Next Four Years Brings . . .

November 7, 2008

My post on gay marriage has got me down.  So, I figured I needed to post something about hope for the future.  Anyway, here are five things I would like to see happen.  Know hope.

1.) Barack Obama says that his number one priority is energy independence.  I think he is right.  Let’s hold him accountable to starting the change. 

2.) I hope that our nation learns that gay people are not scary.  Despite the defeat in CA, only 39% supported gay marriage eight years ago in CA.  This year 49% did.  If we can make more progress, it may become a reality. 

3.) I hope that we have a SOUND exit strategy from Iraq.  Also, I hope that Obama retains Robert Gates as defense secretary or keeps him in the Obama administration in some capacity.  

4.) We stop being a nation that tortures.  It will be interesting to see how Obama handles this one. 

5.) I hope that we have a Republican party that reminds us what it means to be a true conservative.  If you want to know what I mean by being a true conservative, read this book.  The lack of a balance of power with this election concerns me.  However, the Republicans need to prove that they can be a party that governs with limits again and can appeal to social liberals and economic conservatives.

So, here is one of my favorite songs that one of my favorite singers just nails (and no it is not Roseanne Barr singing it – get to the :30 mark)

Sad Results: Gay Marriage

November 7, 2008

So, everyone clearly knows that I was excited about the Obama victory.  However, this election was not the best day for the GLB community.  Here are some very disappointing results. 

 – Arizona banned gay marriage.  This result is even more sad considering that this measure did not pass in the last election. 

 – California repealed gay marriage, essentially removing a right that the GLB community had attained.  It may be my anger that is affecting my thinking.  However, I cannot think of another time in recent history where people once had a right and it was taken away.  This result is so sad considering that California actually granted more rights to animals that they did to human citizens.  See political cartoon below.


California Grants More Rights to Chickens

California Grants More Rights to Chickens

Grant Park – Obama’s Acceptance

November 7, 2008

As you can imagine, I did go to Grant Park to see Obama’s acceptance speech.  I must say that it is definitely something to remember.  I will not remember it so much for Obama’s speech, but the sheer enthusiasm in the crowd.  Also, the diversity of the crowd was simply breathtaking.  Here is hoping that Obama truly unites us as he did Tuesday night.  (Thanks for the pictures MS). 


Downtown Chicago Election Night

Downtown Chicago Election Night


Crowd in Grant Park

Crowd in Grant Park

But, I Am A “Conservative,” Can I Vote for Obama?

November 1, 2008

My favorite political commentator, Andrew Sullivan (an old school conservative that loves Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan) lists the top 10 reasons that conservatives should vote for Obama.  I could not say it better myself.  Consider this post my official endorsement as to why Obama should be the next President.  Here are the top three in my opinion.

 – A return to realism and prudence in foreign policy. Obama has consistently cited the foreign policy of George H. W. Bush as his inspiration. McCain’s knee-jerk reaction to the Georgian conflict, his commitment to stay in Iraq indefinitely, and his brinksmanship over Iran’s nuclear ambitions make him a far riskier choice for conservatives. The choice between Obama and McCain is like the choice between George H.W. Bush’s first term and George W.’s.

 – Two words: President Palin 

 – Conservative reform. Until conservatism can get a distance from the big-spending, privacy-busting, debt-ridden, crony-laden, fundamentalist, intolerant, incompetent and arrogant faux conservatism of the Bush-Cheney years, it will never regain a coherent message to actually govern this country again. The survival of conservatism requires a temporary eclipse of today’s Republicanism. Losing would be the best thing to happen to conservatism since 1964. Back then, conservatives lost in a landslide for the right reasons. Now, Republicans are losing in a landslide for the wrong reasons.

Oh – and here is one last plug.  

California – Gay Marriage – The Mormons

November 1, 2008

OK – another group that I have been rather negative about on this blog is the Mormon Church’s senseless attacks on gay marriage.  However, this article that highlights Mormon’s supporting gay rights is very uplifting.  I wish I had been in Salt Lake City (as many of you know, I am working there now) this weekend to support them.

California – Gay Marriage – A Republican Changes His Mind

November 1, 2008

So, I have made many negative comments about the Republican party on this blog.  However, I must say that this press conference by the mayor of San Diego (a Republican) moves me.  He has changed his position regarding gay marriage, now stating that he supports gay marriage.  See the video below.  It is very emotional starting at 2:45 as it appears that his daughter being a lesbian has influenced his decision.  

Here is his money quote, “I could not bring myself to tell a group of people in our community that they were less important.”  I find this man all the more brave because when he ran for mayor he stated that he opposed gay marriage.  And here is the best part . . . he gets that passing Proposition 8 in California is simply enshrining discrimination.  So, you don’t think so?  See this video by Samuel L. Jackson that draws the parallel. 

So, I can’t say it enough – VOTE NO ON PROP 8 IN CALIFORNIA.  Oh – and tell a friend that you know in California to do the same. 

Summary of The Issues for Election 2008

November 1, 2008

So, I have posted about many issues on this blog during the election.  However, I realize that I have not posted about every issue.  So, if here is a CNN website that gives a nice summary of the candidate’s positions (Thanks to JBI for the recommendation).

New York Presidential Debates

October 15, 2008

8:06 PM CST – I just find this idea of McCain’s of buying mortgages to be ridiculous.  Obama rightly points out that this plan places the government at a very high risk.

8:09 PM CST – I have some of you ask if McCain’s plan really gives tax breaks to oil companies.  The simple answer is – yes it does.

8:15 PM CST – Did a Democrat just mention cutting federal programs?  My libertarian heart flutters.

8:20 PM CST – Why does McCain act like pork barrel spending is the panacea?  It simply is not. 

8:25 PM CST – OK – can we stop talking about the name-calling stuff?  I thought we were supposed to be not talking about the economy.  And, let’s stop talking about the campaign tactics.  Let’s talk about issues.

8:38 PM CST – OK – we are still not talking about issues – MOVE ON!!!!!!

8:41 PM CST – FINALLY – someone asks the VP question!  Anyway, did McCain just say that America knows Palin?  She hasn’t even done a press conference.  As Thomas Jefferson said, “Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press and that cannot be limited without being lost.”  (Shout out to MS that gave me this quote).  Anyway, Obama missed the opportunity to talk about the responsibility he exercised in choosing Biden.  I think he will wish he had said something different later.

8:56 PM CST – I know that we keep talking about health care coverage and it is nice to see health care front and center each time.  However, could the candidates talk in more detail about the cost cutting?  I think we need more detail here.  For example, when the candidates say that they will manage chronic illness, what do they mean?  I know this plan sounds radical, but I would like to see the payers manage the entire process more to drive the providers to manage the continuum of care as it relates to quality outcomes.

9:16 PM CST – Did you notice the raise in the “favorables” on Obama when he talked about reducing the number of abortions?  Obviously, people want to see the parties work together on this issue.  I just wish that people would be less divisive about this issue.

9:18 PM CST – Can the candidates stop saying that everyone deserves a four-year college education?  Let’s be honest – not everyone is cut out for it.  So, let’s figure out what we will do with those that can’t cut it.

Amazing Diva Singing II

October 14, 2008

OK – I have posted a lot of politics lately.  So, let’s break it up with some more amazing diva singing.  In order to keep with my theme of TV stars that made it on Broadway first, let me tell you about Audra McDonald that currently stars on Private Practice, the Grey’s Anatomy spin-off (by the way – Practice is WAY BETTER than Grey’s Anatomy).  

Anyway, Audra McDonald has won four Tony Awards – two for musicals and two for plays.  She has also been nominated for two Emmy Awards.  Basically, you should know this woman and know that she is beyond talented.  Listen to the way each phrase has perfect intonation, yet is still imbued with the right amount of emotion.  Also, notice her amazing control of her upper register.  She is Julliard-trained and you can tell.  Finally, listen to the lyrics.  The music is set to an amazing poem called Some Days that is one of my favorite poems.  

Abortion – Can We Get Past Old Arguments?

October 14, 2008

I have decided to post all the posts today that I have been hesitant to post.  I figured I would get them all out of that way in one day.  

Anyway, let’s talk abortion.  Now, as a man and a gay man @ that, I must say that this issue is one that I just don’t feel as if I can speak with any kind of moral authority given that I will never be faced with the reality of contemplating abortion.  So, allow me to define this issue a bit differently.

1.) I must say that I find the rhetoric around this issue on both sides to be rather ridiculous.  However, I won’t rehash the past.  Let’s look forward.  I would really like to see both parties reach some sort of compromise.  Here is what I propose.  Can’t we all agree at least to reduce the number of abortions?  See this article that defines it much better than me.  

2.) If we want to value life more, shouldn’t we define this issue more broadly?  Isn’t fighting a war in Iraq that we maybe should have not entered a life issue?  Isn’t torturing innocent prisoners as part of the war on terror a life issue?  I guess my point is that I don’t think Republicans should be claiming that they value life more just because they support overturning Roe vs. Wade.  See this post that expands my point further.  

Overall, I must say that I agree with Clinton’s on this one.  Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.

Here are the candidate’s positions:

John McCain – His position is fairly simple.  He opposes a woman’s right to choose.

Barack Obama – His position is fairly straightforward.  He supports a woman’s right to choose.   One additional nuance that is worth adding here.  The Democratic party changed its platform this year to includes specific language that Democrats should support reducing the number of abortions while still keeping it legal.  I think it’s nice to see a major party attempting to redefine this issue. 

In terms of the other life issues I list above, I am happy to say that both candidates are opposed to torture. I never thought I would live in a country where we are know as torturers.  However, under George Bush, we are.  No matter what happens this November, I am happy to say that either candidate will end this horrific practice.