What I Hope The Next Four Years Brings . . .

My post on gay marriage has got me down.  So, I figured I needed to post something about hope for the future.  Anyway, here are five things I would like to see happen.  Know hope.

1.) Barack Obama says that his number one priority is energy independence.  I think he is right.  Let’s hold him accountable to starting the change. 

2.) I hope that our nation learns that gay people are not scary.  Despite the defeat in CA, only 39% supported gay marriage eight years ago in CA.  This year 49% did.  If we can make more progress, it may become a reality. 

3.) I hope that we have a SOUND exit strategy from Iraq.  Also, I hope that Obama retains Robert Gates as defense secretary or keeps him in the Obama administration in some capacity.  

4.) We stop being a nation that tortures.  It will be interesting to see how Obama handles this one. 

5.) I hope that we have a Republican party that reminds us what it means to be a true conservative.  If you want to know what I mean by being a true conservative, read this book.  The lack of a balance of power with this election concerns me.  However, the Republicans need to prove that they can be a party that governs with limits again and can appeal to social liberals and economic conservatives.

So, here is one of my favorite songs that one of my favorite singers just nails (and no it is not Roseanne Barr singing it – get to the :30 mark)

2 Responses to What I Hope The Next Four Years Brings . . .

  1. […] 29, 2008 As many of you many remember from my post during the election, I had hoped that Barack Obama would retain Robert Gates as the Secreatary of Defense.  So, I am […]

  2. […] 28, 2008 As many of you many remember from my post during the election, I had hoped that Barack Obama would retain Robert Gates as the Secreatary of Defense.  So, I am […]

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